Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Immigrant Concerns on the Financial and Mental Stress During COVID-19

Nobody has seen anything like COVID-19 before. Sure, there have been economic downturns and unemployment but never on a global scale like this. While the outbreak has certainly been hard on everyone, it’s had an especially large impact on the immigrant community.

As if being far away from loved ones wasn’t hard enough, the global pandemic has created even more stress—both financial and mental—for families scattered around the world.

Unemployment and Lack of Access to Healthcare

At the height of the pandemic, almost 50 million people were unemployed in the U.S. alone. Without jobs, money is tight. Many families aren’t sure what they’re going to do for their next meal.

As if financial burdens weren’t stressful enough, we’re also fighting a contagious epidemic. Any trip outside your house is a risk. Even if you get sick or hurt, a trip to the hospital could mean infection.

Without work, access to medicine, or social engagements, stress is at an all-time high for many families around the world, especially immigrants. During these tough times, it’s important to stay connected and get the help you need, even if it’s a simple phone call to a relative.

Stay Connected – We’re All in This Together

We’re all in this together, and talking through problems with loved ones can alleviate some of the mental stress associated with COVID-19. Sometimes, just hearing a friendly voice is enough to help.

Of course, being connected is more than just a social need. With social distancing regulations, it’s hard to go anywhere for help. Being able to communicate remotely with doctors and healthcare professionals can provide some much-needed peace of mind and help you stay physically healthy as well!

Help Family Abroad with a Mobile Top Up

Staying connected is easier said than done for many people around the world. Phone bills are expensive, and with unemployment still high, finances are tight for everyone.

If you have family abroad struggling to make their phone payments, you can purchase an international mobile recharge online and send it to over 120 countries around the world. They’ll have instant access to the minutes or data you send them, so they can stay in touch with friends, family, and medical professionals to help them through these tough times.

Everyone is struggling; that’s why eTopUpOnline gives you the ability to choose how much or how little you spend. You can choose the number of minutes or data to send, so you’ll never spend more than you what you can afford, without monthly contracts. You can even send a Digicel recharge or a Natcom top up online so your family abroad can have access to the best carriers wherever they live.

An online mobile recharge from eTopUpOnline is an easy and affordable way to help those in need.

This blog was originally posted on https://www.etopuponline.com/blog/immigrant-concerns-on-the-financial-and-mental-stress-during-covid-19

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