Friday, May 28, 2021

Travel Bans Affecting Families Again

 It was over a year ago, in March of 2020, that travel bans from the COVID-19 pandemic started affecting families all over the world. Little did we know that those travel bans would continue for an entire year, well into 2021.

Going without seeing your loved ones for over a year can be hard on international families, and unfortunately, new variants and outbreaks of the COVID-19 virus make it seem like these travel bans will not lift up for the foreseeable future. Here are how travel bans are affecting families—again.

Current Travel Ban Restrictions

At the end of April 2021, there are travel restrictions in place for many countries around the world. According to the CDC, here’s a list of countries considered to be high-risk for the COVID-19 pandemic, from which travel is restricted:

  • China
  • Iran
  • European Schengen area (including Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and more)
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • Brazil
  • South Africa
  • India

With so many countries under a travel ban, around 80% of the world is off-limits to the United States. Since the U.S. is a country of migrants, this poses a challenge to many families with members abroad. Even if you wanted to visit relatives, or have them visit you, you can’t because of the travel bans.

What makes the situation even worse is that international families haven’t been able to be there for each other in this critical time of need.

Stay Connected with eTopUpOnline

Unfortunately, with the pandemic still raging in many parts of the world, there's not much you can do to see your relative abroad in person, but you can keep up with them over the phone. Staying connected with an online mobile recharge from eTopUpOnline can keep families in touch all over the world, regardless of travel bans.  

You can recharge your phone's minutes or data right from your internet browser in four easy steps:

  • Choose the country
  • Enter the phone number
  • Select the top-up amount
  • Check out

The best part is that it doesn't even have to be your phone! You can recharge your relative 'phones in other countries. Even if they're going through a tough time, you can top-up their minutes right from your couch and stay in touch with your family and friends all over the world

eTopUpOnline's international mobile recharge online works in over 100 countries around the world — including many of the countries banned from travel to the US You can even choose the carrier you want to use — including major international carriers like Digicel and Natcom — so you and your relative can get the best service possible.      

No matter where you are or what travel bans are in place, you can stay connected with your friends and family around the globe with a mobile recharge from eTopUpOnline. Don't let the COVID-19 pandemic stop you from being close to your loved ones.

This blog was originally posted on :

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Crise des migrants à la frontière américaine : Soutenir les amis et la famille touchés

 Au cours des dernières années, le nombre de migrants depuis l’Amérique Centrale vers les Etats Unis n’a cessé d’augmenter. Quand la pandémie de COVID-19 a frappé, le personnel aux frontières s’est vu réduit, et le système d’immigration, déjà sous pression, a éprouvé des difficultés pour faire face à un nombre de migrants croissant. Une crise est alors rapidement apparue.

D’ici la fin de l’année fiscal 2021, il est prévu que près de deux millions de migrants – dont un grand nombre d’enfants non accompagnés - essaieront de franchir la frontière entre le Mexique et les Etats Unis, dans l’espoir d’une vie meilleure. Malheureusement, l’effet conjoint du volume de migrants, le manque de personnel aux frontières et la pression exercée par des réglementations sanitaires accrues liées à la pandémie, de nombreux migrants sont confrontés à des conditions inhumaines en attendant d’entrer aux Etats Unis.

Dernières mises à jour

La pandémie de Covid-19 affecte toujours autant le processus d’entrée à la frontière américano-mexicaine. Entre le nombre anormalement élevé de migrants, le renforcement des réglementations sanitaires et le manque de personnel, il faut beaucoup plus de temps que d’habitude pour entrer aux Etats Unis.

Ce renfort est particulièrement éprouvant pour les familles, beaucoup d’entre elles étant séparées, et les enfants laissés non accompagnés tout au long du processus de contrôle. Si la loi américaine stipule que les enfants non accompagnés ne peuvent passer que 72 heures au maximum sous la vigilance des douanes et de la protection des frontières, le temps moyen passé sous la garde des douanes, début Avril, s’élevait à 122 heures!

Pire encore, le service des douanes et de la protection des frontières n’est tout simplement pas en mesure de gérer un tel flux de personnes. A Donna, au Texas, plus de 4 000 migrants ont été logés dans un complexe de tentes conçu à la base pour accueillir 250 personnes, alors que plus de 600 enfants ont été entassées dans une pièce construite initialement pour 32 personnes.

Quelque soit votre point de vue, la situation à la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique n'est rien d'autre qu'une crise qui divise les familles de migrants et les oblige à vivre dans des conditions inhumaines. Même si l'administration actuelle s'efforce de trouver des solutions, il ne semble pas que la situation se soit beaucoup améliorée au cours des derniers mois. Le système ne peut tout simplement pas suivre.

Soutenir les amis et la famille à la frontière

Pendant que les services des Douanes et de la protection des frontières essaient de gérer les dizaines de milliers de migrants qui tentent de franchir la frontière mensuellement, il est important d’envoyer autant de soutien que possible aux familles touchées.

Si vous avez des amis ou de la famille touchés par la crise aux frontières, l’envoi d’une recharge téléphone en ligne peut vous aider à garder le contact. Vous pouvez ainsi recharger à distance les minutes et les données de leur téléphone portable, afin qu’ils puissent se tenir informés de l’actualité ou bien parler à leurs proches afin d’obtenir le soutien dont ils ont besoin.

Peu importe où se trouvent vos amis et vos proches, vous pouvez envoyer une recharge mobile eTopUpOnline dans plus de 100 pays, y compris aux Etats Unis et dans de nombreux pays d’Amérique Centrale touchés par la crise frontalière, tels que :

  • Honduras
  • Guatemala
  • El Salvador
  • Mexique

Vous pouvez même choisir l’opérateur le plus efficace dans la région, y compris certains des plus grands opérateurs internationaux tels que Digicel, et sa Digicel recharge illimité.

Si vos amis ou vos proches sont touches par la crise frontalière entre les Etats Unis et le Mexique, il vous suffit de recharger leur téléphone portable avec EtopUpOnline pour leur offrir votre soutien, la possibilité de communiquer, et de s’informer. Ce blog a été initialement publié sur:

Migrant Crisis on the US Border: Support Friends and Family Impacted

 Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase in migrants heading to the United States from various countries all over Central America. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, border staff was reduced and an already-strained immigration system struggled to keep up with the growing numbers of migrants. Quickly, a crisis emerged.

By the end of the 2021 fiscal year, it’s projected that nearly 2 million migrants will attempt to cross the US-Mexico border—many of whom are unaccompanied children—in hopes of a better life. Unfortunately, due to the volume of people, understaffed border agents, and strain from increased health regulations from the pandemic, many migrants are facing arguably inhumane conditions as they wait for entry to the United States.

Current Updates

The COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting the entry process at the U.S.-Mexico border. Between the abnormally high numbers of migrants, increased health regulations, and the lack of staff, it’s taking much longer than normal to get into the United States.

This backup is especially hard on families, with many being split up and children left unaccompanied throughout the process. U.S. law states that unaccompanied children may only spend a maximum of 72 hours in Customs and Border Protection custody, in early April, the average time spent in Customs’ custody was 122 hours!

To make matters worse, Customs and Border Protection simply isn’t set up to handle the quantity of people. In Donna, Texas, more than 4,000 migrants were housed in a tent complex designed to hold 250 people, and over 600 children were packed into a room built for 32.

No matter how you look at it, what’s happening on the U.S.-Mexico border is nothing short of a crisis that’s splitting up migrant families and forcing them into arguably inhumane conditions. Although the current administration is working on solutions, it doesn’t seem like the situation has gotten much better over the past few months. The system simply can’t keep up.

Support Friends and Family at the Border

While Customs and Border Protection tries to handle the tens of thousands of migrants attempting to cross the border every month, it's important to send as much support to the families impacted as possible.

If you have friends or family impacted by the border crisis, sending an online mobile recharge can help keep in touch. You can remotely recharge the minutes and data on their cell phones, so they can stay informed with current news or talk to loved ones for some much-needed support.  

No matter where your friends and family are, you can send an eTopUpOnline mobile recharge to over 100 countries , including the United States and many of the Central American countries impacted by the border crisis: 

  • Honduras
  • Guatemala
  • El Salvador
  • Mexico

You can even choose the operator that works best in the area, including some of the largest international carriers like Digicel .   

If you have friends or family impacted by the US-Mexico border crisis, giving them the gift of communication, knowledge, and support is as simple as recharging their cell phone with eTopUpOnline. 

This blog was originally posted on :